Basics of Purse Seine Fishing


Purse seine fishing is a type of commercial fishing that involves the use of a large net called a purse seine to encircle and capture fish in large quantities. The net is deployed around a school of fish and then drawn tight at the bottom to create a purse-like shape that traps the fish inside. Purse seine fishing is commonly used to catch tuna, as well as other species such as sardines, herring, and mackerel.
While purse seine fishing can be an efficient way to catch large quantities of fish, it has come under scrutiny in recent years due to concerns over its impact on the environment and fish populations. This article will explore the basics of purse seine fishing, its environmental impact, and efforts to make the practice more sustainable.
Basics of Purse Seine Fishing
Purse seine fishing typically involves a large vessel equipped with a purse seine net, which can be hundreds of meters long and tens of meters deep. The net is usually made of nylon or other synthetic materials and is equipped with floats on the top and weights on the bottom to keep it in position in the water.
To catch fish, the vessel searches for a school of fish and then deploys the net around the perimeter of the school. Once the net is in place, the bottom of the net is drawn tight using ropes, creating a purse-like shape that traps the fish inside. The fish are then lifted out of the water and onto the vessel using a winch or crane.
Environmental Impact of Purse Seine Fishing
Purse seine fishing has come under scrutiny in recent years due to concerns over its impact on the environment and fish populations. One major concern is the bycatch of non-target species, which can include dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, and other marine animals. These animals can become entangled in the net and are often killed or injured in the process.
Another concern is the impact of purse seine fishing on tuna populations, which have been overfished in many areas. Purse seine fishing can also cause damage to the seafloor and other marine habitats, as well as contribute to pollution through fuel use and waste disposal.
Sustainable Purse Seine Fishing Practices
Efforts are underway to make purse seine fishing more sustainable and reduce its impact on the environment. One approach is to use "fish aggregating devices" (FADs) to attract and concentrate fish, which can reduce the need to search for schools of fish and reduce the bycatch of non-target species.
Other sustainable practices include using more selective fishing gear, such as circle hooks and greenstick gear, which can reduce bycatch and improve the survival of released fish. Many purse seine fishing operations are also implementing measures to reduce waste and pollution, such as using more efficient engines and properly disposing of fishing gear.
Purse seine fishing can be an efficient way to catch large quantities of fish, but it also has significant environmental impacts and can contribute to overfishing and other sustainability concerns. By implementing more sustainable fishing practices and reducing the impact on non-target species, purse seine fishing can continue to be a valuable source of seafood while protecting the health of our oceans and marine ecosystems.
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